
Friday, August 2, 2019

Math boards!

This term for math's and last term we have been doing math boards. Math's boards have four squares and a circle in the middle. In the circle in the middle you write a question that you think will challenge you. my favorite thing about it is a visual solution. 

If you do math board's what is your favorite thing about math boards


  1. Hi James, it is great to see you sharing your maths boards. I think that I would have liked doing these when I was a school too. Just like you, I would have liked creating visuals for my maths problems as visual diagrams and pictures help me to remember things. Have you challenged yourself with your maths board this week?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mrs Carney, I have tried my hardest to. I could put on another picture of my math boards today if you would like?


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